The Popper component lets you create tooltips and popovers that display information about an element on the page.
Popper API
import { Popper } from '@mui/base/Popper';
// or
import { Popper } from '@mui/base';
Props of the native component are also available.
An HTML element, virtualElement, or a function that returns either. It's used to set the position of the popper. The return value will passed as the reference object of the Popper instance.
Type:HTML element
| object
| func
An HTML element or function that returns one. The container
will have the portal children appended to it.
By default, it uses the body of the top-level document object, so it's simply document.body
most of the time.
Type:HTML element
| func
The children
will be under the DOM hierarchy of the parent component.
Always keep the children in the DOM. This prop can be useful in SEO situation or when you want to maximize the responsiveness of the Popper.
Popper.js is based on a "plugin-like" architecture, most of its features are fully encapsulated "modifiers".
A modifier is a function that is called each time Popper.js needs to compute the position of the popper. For this reason, modifiers should be very performant to avoid bottlenecks. To learn how to create a modifier, read the modifiers documentation.
Type:Array<{ data?: object, effect?: func, enabled?: bool, fn?: func, name?: any, options?: object, phase?: 'afterMain'
| 'afterRead'
| 'afterWrite'
| 'beforeMain'
| 'beforeRead'
| 'beforeWrite'
| 'main'
| 'read'
| 'write', requires?: Array<string>, requiresIfExists?: Array<string> }>
Popper placement.
| 'auto-start'
| 'auto'
| 'bottom-end'
| 'bottom-start'
| 'bottom'
| 'left-end'
| 'left-start'
| 'left'
| 'right-end'
| 'right-start'
| 'right'
| 'top-end'
| 'top-start'
| 'top'
Options provided to the Popper.js
Type:{ modifiers?: array, onFirstUpdate?: func, placement?: 'auto-end'
| 'auto-start'
| 'auto'
| 'bottom-end'
| 'bottom-start'
| 'bottom'
| 'left-end'
| 'left-start'
| 'left'
| 'right-end'
| 'right-start'
| 'right'
| 'top-end'
| 'top-start'
| 'top', strategy?: 'absolute'
| 'fixed' }
The components used for each slot inside the Popper. Either a string to use a HTML element or a component.
See Slots API below for more details.
Type:{ root?: elementType }
is forwarded to the root element.You can override the style of the component using one of these customization options:
- With a global class name.
- With a rule name as part of the component's
property in a custom theme.